[mapserver-users] digitize plugin problem

Thomas RAFFIN traffin at sirap.fr
Thu Apr 9 01:42:07 PDT 2015

Hi Eleonora,

I think you are not at the right place. You should try pmapper 
mailing-list here: 


Le 09/04/2015 10:32, eleonora at creativalab.com a écrit :
> could be a problem of projection ?
> include_config.php
> $db_table   = 'toponimi-cat';       // Table name.
> $pkey       = 'gid';              // Table's primary key.
> $the_geom   = 'the_geom';        // Table's geometry field, type POINT.
> $srid_geom  = 32633;              // SRID of the geometry.
> $srid_map   = 32633;              // SRID of the map (clicked screen 
> point).
> $tolerance  = 500;               // Distance in meteres to pick 
> existing point for editing.
> $hide_fields = array('id');      // Table fields not displayed in the 
> edit form.
> file.map
> EXTENT  350117.586532 4739786.469378 382150.132577 4773295.848327
> IMAGECOLOR     255 255 255
> UNITS meters
> SIZE 600 500
> SHAPEPATH "/var/www/data"
> SYMBOLSET "../common/symbols/symbols-pmapper.sym"
> FONTSET "../common/fonts/msfontset.txt"
>     'proj=utm'
>     'zone=33'
>     'datum=WGS84'
>     'units=m'
>     'no_defs'
> Il 2015-04-09 04:30 eleonora at creativalab.com ha scritto:
>> Hello.
>> i have some problems with db connection.
>> Inside include_config.php i wrote
>> $db_host='xxx';
>> $db_login='xxx';
>> $db_pass='xxx';
>> $database = 'xxxx';
>> $dsn        = "pgsql://$db_login:$db_pass@$db_host/$database";
>> In window pop-up the error is DB Error: syntax error
>> i try different solutions but even if the reported errors are
>> different does not work.
>> $dsn        = 'pgsql://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname';
>> error : DB Error: syntax error
>> $dsn        = new 
>> PDO("pgsql:host=xxxx;dbname=xxxx;user=xxxx;password=xxxx");
>> error Unable to include the DB/.php file for '://:PASSWORD@/'
>> The connection to the database postgres operating normally as I see
>> the layers whose data are taken from the db
>> I installed the PHP Pear DB package and PEAR MDB2
>> any ideas? after installation I had to restart apache or service 
>> postgresql?
>> thank you
>> Eleonora
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