[mapserver-users] Problem with html legend

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sun Apr 12 07:24:57 PDT 2020

Hi Jan,

I have updated the legend demos (and the OGR demos) to run on MapServer 
7.4.4 :  https://demo.mapserver.org/

Please let me know if you ever notice any more issues with the demos.

I also added a link to the mapfile in the legend demos (see bottom of 
each demo page), which should help you debug your local issue.

Wishing you a safe and happy Easter with your family.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2020-04-07 11:57 a.m., Jan Hartmann wrote:
> Probably some silly mistake, but I can't get the MapServer HTML legend 
> working. My mapfile has:
> legend
>      status embed
>      label
>          size tiny
>      end
>      template "paleogeography_legend.html"
> end
> And "paleogeography_legend.html" just has:
> [leg_class_html opt_flag=15]
>        <img src=[leg_icon]> --- [leg_class_name]<br>
> [/leg_class_html]
> This should return the same legend as without the template, but with 
> "---" added between icon and classname, right? It doesn't. It always 
> returns the default legend, as if the html template doesn't get read.
> Can anyone help?
> (BTW, the demo on https://demo.mapserver.org/itasca_legend/ is broken)
> Jan

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