[mapserver-users] Next link missing WFS 2.0 getfeature response for specific bbox

Bakker, Anton Anton.Bakker at kadaster.nl
Wed May 12 07:17:07 PDT 2021

Hi Even,

Thanks for taking a look. I did not notice the visibility of the repo I created was set to private. I just set it to public, should be accessible now.

I suspect a mismatch between bounding box test and exact intersection that confuses the logic that decides if there's a next page. When we have a COUNT of 1000, we actually ask for 1001 features. If there are 1001 features, then we now there's a next page. If there are <= 1000 one, there's none. Something must eliminate one or several features out of the 1001 initial ones.

Good to hear I am not the only one with a suspicion. I will file the issue on the issue tracker on GH.

I actually tried checking for exact intersections by exploding all the line geometries to points, and check for intersections with the bbox edges. But could not find any points intersecting with the bbox edge. Intersection between line  and point should work, no?

ogr2ogr -f GPKG points.gpkg data.gpkg -explodecollections -unsetFID -sql "select asgpb(DissolvePoints(GeomFromGPB(geometry))) as geometry, geo_id, uri from  beheer_leiding" -nln beheer_leiding

ogrinfo points.gpkg -sql "select * from beheer_leiding where Intersects(GeomFromGPB(geometry), MakeLine(MakePoint(80034.6,452005.1,28992), MakePoint(80034.6,453965.8,28992)))"


Van: Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
Verzonden: woensdag 12 mei 2021 15:57
Aan: Bakker, Anton <Anton.Bakker at kadaster.nl>; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Onderwerp: Re: [mapserver-users] Next link missing WFS 2.0 getfeature response for specific bbox

I created a repo (https://secure-web.cisco.com/1y8LpfF5hS18UqK5XUee3MEdOipp-FGiiQbtnDYL4Bgwq7Vnmqi3HunXZvukVs_2PH0wFJj3M9NNzU3w8PRyiUcooO02YOE2TjF8SKH2ADv8Q4s67_p3zREQw6dmMDyjew2kMyzecxkc2GMVJnaXOe9WEpWTYWKeJ1M-kxC22-wLWsywAHWTYFCV6vC92dN-NiP65KpE-O8nmPa1-qqUX4IwAISE9rUJgKLJHt2HRxB_tDjoyLGA_JSoYg1Pq-TeW/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Farbakker%2Fdebug-ms-bbox-issue)

Did you ? I can't access it. Please file an issue with all elements you mentioned.

This might be at least slightly related to https://secure-web.cisco.com/1UjKo9o1slMlOr5t3AdHpWyenYMkKsq_95vtfjB_RznEJv9Kj6OlpXrzlYuD01pSXRLRgAGVkDJXJNZdqeCIORN9UdPFXJZY19fDEuJeFuANaQ7fyFLMfW2f5JyR9GZ0F0SUh5HBgmMOUOt0DSp_5u05M1Rwo1LCdJ7pBQp9ZvPjF-rxDA_N4W3m1iJAifjJjMia1IaeEsQ7MgAoh_fB4NwKDg9Hfv1fPT7msizf1_x6seEeSGVEfmK51P8Q3mu-b/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FMapServer%2FMapServer%2Fissues%2F6181 ,although perhaps specific to the OGR GeoPackage backend. I suspect a mismatch between bounding box test and exact intersection that confuses the logic that decides if there's a next page. When we have a COUNT of 1000, we actually ask for 1001 features. If there are 1001 features, then we now there's a next page. If there are <= 1000 one, there's none. Something must eliminate one or several features out of the 1001 initial ones.



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