[mapserver-users] Mapscript C# and OWSRequest parameters

Jelmer Baas jelmerbaas at nedgraphics.nl
Sun May 30 23:24:29 PDT 2021

Hi all,

I had some issues getting subscribed. Did this email arrive? If so, does anyone have some insights, even if it's just a pointer to a place to continue my search?

Jelmer Baas

From: mapserver-users <mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Jelmer Baas
Sent: donderdag 27 mei 2021 10:39
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript C# and OWSRequest parameters


For a new project, I've decided to pickup MapScript again to function as an internal (back-end) WFS server. I use the OWSRequest class, which works fine when I fill it with loadParamsFromURL() - in the case of Get requests.

I can't seem to figure out a way to get my POST data into this object, though. It has a loadParams method, but because I'm not running as a CGI application (back-end app without a webserver), this doesn't do anything. I also tried setting postrequest property and then calling the loadParams, setting Environment variables, etc. No error, no exception, just -1 value from NumParams.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Jelmer Baas

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