[mapserver-users] Styling a WFS ? or not ?

mathias cunault mathias.cunault at inrap.fr
Mon May 31 03:20:42 PDT 2021

It seems that styling a WFS is nonsense according to what I found on the
net (?). And I couldn't do it until now. But in Mapserver doc there is an
example with a WFS and a style https://www.mapserver.org/ogc/wfs_server.html
So I am a bit confused : is there a way to stylize a WFS layer or I
misunderstand the doc ?

*Mathias Cunault*

*référent SIG / Admin Caviar*

*Inrap Tours - 148 av. Maginot37000 TOURS06 32 05 98
96mathias.cunault at inrap.fr <mathias.cunault at inrap.fr>*
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