[mapserver-users] serving WMS GetFeatureInfo to ESRI JavaScript client

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 15:30:45 PDT 2021

I need to serve WMS GetFeatureInfo requests in a suitable format for an
ESRI JavaScript client. I'm asking if anyone has any tips or experience
they could share.

I'm not developing the client. I'm serving the content to a company that's
used to using ESRI REST services and doesn't have any experience with WMS.
I don't have any experience with the ESRI JavaScript client.

>From what little I've found so far the request is typically
but the response is formatted as XML. Should the response mime type be
text/xml or does it matter? Is there an XML structure that the ESRI client
expects to receive or is that entirely up to the app developer?


Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
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