[Marketing] Logo Design
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 13:36:05 PDT 2017
Hi Jeffrey,
Thanks for the heads up. As the person who created the OSGeo-Live logo,
I'd prefer not to have to spend extra time to re-create it, for what I'd
consider little to no extra return on investment.
I'm not about to block the awesome momentum that I'm seeing happening in
marketing committee, but will note that I'm in favour of leaving the
osgeo logo unchanged.
Can we justify paying an external agency to update all derivatives of
the OSGeo logo? If not, we should be careful about asking OSGeo
communities to invest time in updating their logos. (We should be
valuing the time of our communities too).
Cheers, Cameron
On 29/4/17 1:09 am, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
> Or I should say a set of guidelines for how derivative logos should
> look and follow the brand. This is applicable for local chapters too
> (i.e. https://wiki.osgeo.org/images/9/9b/Logo-osgeo.nl.png)
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius at gmail.com> wrote:
>> These derivative logos are included in the scope of work.
>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 16:30 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> A comment on logo design:
>>> There are a number of logos that have been created which are based on the
>>> old logo. Eg: OSGeo-Live logo. https://live.osgeo.org/_images/banner.png
>>> If the old logo changes, then I think it important to consider the impact
>>> of updating all derivative logos.
>>> On 28/4/17 7:11 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>> Meeting mins are available from yesterday (sending to the email list here
>>> for the record).
>>> ----
>>> 2017-04-26 Meeting - Visitor Journey | Logo Design
>>> Date: April 26 2017 - 16:00 PM
>>> Agenda
>>> Last Meeting Follow-Up
>>> Review: Visitor Journey document.
>>> Set up meeting with Harrison Grundy
>>> New Business
>>> Milestone: Presentation Initial Branding - Concept & Strategy.
>>> Review Wireframes: Interaction Design V2 - moved to next meeting.
>>> Request for input: ‘Case Studies’
>>> Attendees
>>> Get Interactive
>>> Jeffrey Lasut (Project Owner),
>>> Patrick Kepel (Project Manager),
>>> Ching Knikkink (Senior Designer)
>>> OSGeo
>>> Jody
>>> Jeffrey Johnson (technical difficulty)
>>> Minutes
>>> Review: Visitor Journey document:
>>> In the latest mail conversation OSGeo stated that the Visitor Journey is
>>> going to be an ongoing process. Review added information by OSGeo.
>>> Link to the Visitor Journey document’:
>>> https://docs.google.com/a/getinteractive.nl/spreadsheets/d/1KX8Li3DMP5nbrE2QZyw23pAhDzVxsCoQ3x1-XwD_w60/edit?usp=sharing
>>> Review of document with Jody and Patrick:
>>> Clarification that this is an ongoing process
>>> Should we fill in a guess, or leave blank?
>>> Balance between
>>> Awareness / Consideration / Evaluation
>>> Most content that has been initially written here should be moved down
>>> into adoption
>>> Adoption
>>> This is what is easiest to write since it was we focus on
>>> Impress / Enthuse / Advocate
>>> Community development, building
>>> JG and JJ: Started filling in the document yesterday
>>> JG outlined the academic and outreach stories
>>> Needs review from GeoForAll and local chapter volunteers
>>> Q: How many people worked on the document?
>>> 3 to 4 people?
>>> Q: How comfortable are we that this document is complete?
>>> Most of the ideas are on the table
>>> Can be more clearly expressed / with correct technical language
>>> Do not think we are missing anything BIG
>>> Request review/content from Academic and Local Chapter volunteers
>>> Q: Can Get Interactive proceed, or are they going to be stuck waiting for
>>> this document?
>>> This spreadsheet is needed to drive wireframe creation
>>> Wireframe creation is stuck on this, but there is other work that can be
>>> done while Get Interactive waits
>>> Discussion/Clarifications to help guide OSGeo in filling in this
>>> information:
>>> Stages - for non-community members (example students)
>>> Awareness - Consider to use OSGeo projects, go to an OSGeo events
>>> Just the knowledge that open source mapping, research tools exist.
>>> Bonus if they learn about local chapters, or GeoForAll communities that
>>> can help
>>> Adoption - made their decision to use/or are already using open source for
>>> their project or theses
>>> What tools we can provide to make this easier
>>> GeoForAll can help support them here
>>> Ideal Story: Write a thesis using GRASS for analysis, and contribute a new
>>> plugin to GRASS
>>> Impress - have so much fun with open source mapping they want to join
>>> OSGeo
>>> Presenting papers
>>> Telling other other Grad students
>>> Stages - for stakeholders
>>> Awareness
>>> Check that members are aware of all that OSGeo offers
>>> Focused on building connections between OSGeo groups
>>> Adoption - how to take part in more OSGeo activities
>>> How to encourage stakeholders to participate in OSGeo (rather
>>> If you work on a project, how to set up a code sprint
>>> If you work on a local chapter, how to join marketing committee
>>> Impress
>>> Both messager outreach to non-members
>>> Promote OSGeo as an organization - name OSGeo as a solution
>>> Recruit new members to grow our community
>>> Conversation about terms (see Legend tab of spreadsheet)
>>> Which content do we need?
>>> Information
>>> Things that need to be written
>>> Tutorial is a content (could be delivered as a workshop, video, website,
>>> pdf, handout)
>>> Examples: Getting Started, FAQ, Project Information, Tutorials, Case
>>> Studies, MOU, Press Release, MOU
>>> Which media can we use?
>>> Formats
>>> Examples: website, offline (brochures, handouts), videos, demos,
>>> magazines, social media
>>> Which channels
>>> Where the communication occurs
>>> The same content can go out on multiple channels - example a press release
>>> on our website and via gisuser
>>> Different channels require different media - the same tutorial may be a
>>> PDF on the website, a handout at a conference, and a video on YouTube.
>>> Website, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Conference Booth, Conference
>>> Presentation, Conference Workshop
>>> Examples: Website (landing pages), MailChimp (channel for email), GisUser
>>> (channel for press release), Git (channel for code), mailing list (channel
>>> for email)
>>> Tools, response and followup:
>>> Goal is to create a response in the target audience
>>> Follow up email after user has downloaded the software
>>> Collecting biz cards at a conference to check back with booth attendees
>>> Create an interaction between events:
>>> Download qgis, get an email three days later about a local meetup in your
>>> area, follow up with foss4g news
>>> Call-to-Action button on the website (landing page)
>>> Stages - for stakeholders members
>>> Awareness
>>> Consider to join us (rather than just use our software and materials)
>>> You can join a local chapter and take part
>>> How to encourage service providers into productive contributors?
>>> Do you support open source? Are you sure?
>>> Encourage the use of open source you help grow the user community
>>> Next level is participating, so open source can be sustainable
>>> Adoption
>>> How to join a local chapter and help out in your community
>>> Impress
>>> Having fun? Encourage others to join
>>> Burnt out? Encourage others to help
>>> Community building, member outreach, join osgeo
>>> Set up meeting with Harrison Grundy
>>> Meeting with Harrison Grundy (SAC) to discuss production environment and
>>> LDAP for the website.
>>> Milestone: Presentation Initial Branding - Concept & Strategy
>>> Presentation and substantiation on logo design and recommendations.
>>> Link to document: ‘Presentation Initial Branding - Concept & Strategy’’
>>> will be added after presentation.
>>> Notes:
>>> Cleanup, blance
>>> Good comparison with friendly / competitors for visual comparison
>>> Note - update QGIS logo and eclipse Logo for comparison
>>> The composition is improved, looking more balanced with the text, spacing
>>> looks good
>>> Logo 1 - minimal changes
>>> The old one had a gap to be "open"
>>> Logo 2 - bring in two colors change from compass rose to compass on rose
>>> Logo text looks odd for spacing
>>> Logo 3 - bring in two ideas
>>> Like the sawtooth effect
>>> The combination of compass rose with compass
>>> Fits in best with the others
>>> Logo 4
>>> Change it up more, gradient, mark intermixed with words, breaks up OS and
>>> Logo 5
>>> Like a Spirogrpah rendering of the current elements
>>> Lots of movement with all the lines
>>> The font is clear, legible, with the darker colors
>>> Moves away from green
>>> Exploring Logo 3 in other contexts
>>> Use a topo to pull out idea of geography for biz card, presentations, etc…
>>> Topo lines comes across as vintage - or steam punk
>>> Consider comparison with new qgis logo
>>> OSGeo - Educational content
>>> This is known as “GeoForAll” so we need a different example
>>> Other examples with two words to see line wrapping
>>> Silver Sponsor
>>> Community Project
>>> Still recommend short names for subterms
>>> OSGeo - Conference
>>> This is known as “FOSS4G” so we need a different example
>>> Discussion:
>>> Lots of nice elements to steal for sub brands
>>> More colors for sub-brands
>>> What font? Need to check it is an open font :) A google font…
>>> Jody’s notes:
>>> remind me to share my sketch templates
>>> I like how light bulbs are now icons - and not a real thing anymore)
>>> for mission, vision, presentaiton -
>>> https://www.slideshare.net/jgarnett/a-new-vision-for-osgeo-65529744)
>>> That "G" looks odd, tried to draw in elements with of an arrow?
>>> I think your QGIS logo may be out of date
>>> Update Wireframes: ‘Interaction Design V2’: moved to next meeting.
>>> Based on the information given by OSGeo on April 12 2017, adjustments were
>>> made and saved in a new document: ‘interaction Design V2’
>>> Link to ‘Interaction Design V2’:
>>> https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/ZCBA3XH54#/screens/230141058
>>> Action Items
>>> Finalize Visitor Journey (OSGeo)
>>> Decision making Logo Design (OSGeo)
>>> Providing Get Interactive with information for ‘Case Studies’ wireframes
>>> (OSGeo)
>>> Share corporate presentation on Core Values etc. with Get Interactive.
>>> JL - contact email list to set up a meeting with Harisson Grundy
>>> JG - setup a meeting on the visitor journeys
>>> JL - Share logo presentation as-is (ask for feedback on the topo
>>> background idea)
>>> JG: Anyone want to post these notes...
>>> Next Meeting Agenda Items
>>> Discuss input ‘Cases Studies’.
>>> Discuss decision Logo OSGeo.
>>> Marketing & Collateral for FOSS4G Boston (waiting for Astrid to reply).
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Marketing mailing list
>>> Marketing at lists.osgeo.org
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing
>>> --
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> M +61 419 142 254
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Marketing mailing list
>>> Marketing at lists.osgeo.org
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing
Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254
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