[Marketing] Draft EOI for Branding and Website Project

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 16:10:55 PST 2017

> * Jody can you update the goals section per your comments and slide
> deck. I've updated the key initiatives, feel free to edit

I grouped into (external objectives) and (internal objectives); are all of
these useful for the website? I guess we are describing the organization
and not what we expect of the website...

* Revise the technical details of the CMS. I left in the static on
> github pages approach, but I think wordpress or drupal Nimay be much
> easier for our users

How do we make this decision; or who do we talk to at SAC to make this

> I've attached a PDF draft to this mail for easy consumption or forwarding.

Looking forward to finalizing this and moving forward :)

Thanks Jeff, great work!
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