[Marketing] review: component 1 branding and online style guide

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 15:06:15 PDT 2017

I've had a quick review of the PDF Style Guide. Here are my comments:

> * Can the Point of Truth for this Style Guide please be provided in an
> Open format such that we can easily maintain it in future. Potential
> formats: RST, OpenOffice, HTML.
Think we are porting this to html for the website Cameron, Jeffrey Johnson
had a volunteer lined up.  We asked specifically for these files to be
provided as written, so we would have the original to port from.

> ** Re: "The OSGeo primary logo ... MUST appear on all of our
> communications."*
> I suggest this should be changed to "The OSGeo primary logo ... SHOULD
> appear on all of OSGEO's OFFICIAL communications."
> Note: "Communication" is a very broad term, and could include project
> email lists, skype calls, etc.
I do not mind the specific communication here. Using the brand is one way
to identify the communication as official.

> ** Re: "NEVER tamper with the elements of the logo or any of its
> elements." *
> This advise conflicts with sub-brand advice where the logo is changed. I
> think we should explain the process for applying to change the logo, and
> guidelines for what is or is not acceptable, and the process for applying
> to create a sub brand.
> Also, I suggest say "SHOULD" instead of "NEVER". We are not sure of all
> future uses of this guide, and we should leave room for creative flair and
> common sense of our community (who should be continuing to consult with the
> Marketing committee, as has been done in the past).
Think we may have a conflict of expectations: the instructions are being
provided for use of the osgeo logo to represent osgeo.
Use of a sub brand (or a distinct brand) to represent one of our
communities is on a later page.

> * I assume the selected typeface is Open? (Apparently the last one was not
> open). If it is open, we should state this in the guide, probably with a
> link to where this is explained, so that future people can easily work this
> out.
It is open, the fonts were provided in github:

> * Can we please create Presentation templates, in particular, for
> Powerpoint, Google Slides, and reveal.js - a JS powerpoint format, as used
> by OSGeo-Live and others: http://live.osgeo.org/en/
> presentation/index.html#/
Cameron that is covered under component 3, and yes I created powerpoint,
keynote and open document templates. Importing the power point template
into google slides worked for the AGM.


But once again this is a component 3 deliverable, for component 1 we are
just looking at how the branding can be applied.
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