[MDAL-Developer] MDAL, Unity and C#

Paul Harwood runette at gmail.com
Mon May 10 06:37:20 PDT 2021

Well - I was hoping that someone else would have at least some basics as a
starting point :(

I have a Python program that needs to access basic data. I will give it
some thought before I answer your questions - but do you have any

As for the repo - I think that the PDAL and GDAL discussions I have seen
would suggest that a "Python bindings" repository would be a much better
idea than including it in the main MDAL repo - avoids the need to create
new versions of MDAL just because of changes to the bindings.


On Mon, 10 May 2021 at 14:24, Peter Petrik <
peter.petrik at lutraconsulting.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Paul and thanks for the update.
> MDAL from python would definitely be a nice addition. So far we been
> accessing it directly from QGIS and mdalinfo command line tool. Do you plan
> to have separate repository or you want to keep it in the MDAL repository?
> Also which python wrapping system you would like to use?
> Peter
> On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 3:20 PM Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry - I also meant to say that the C# interface is documented here
>> https://virgis-team.github.io/mdal-upm/html/index.html
>> On Mon, 10 May 2021 at 14:15, Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I will just put this here in case anyone is interested and also for
>>> future reference and future google searches.
>>> As well as the MDAL Conda package and built on top of it, there is also
>>> an MDAL Unity Package Manager (UPM) package to allow MDAL to be used in
>>> Unity projects (i.e. 3D, AR and VR etc). see
>>> https://openupm.com/packages/com.virgis.mdal/
>>> As part of this - there are some scripts for accessing MDAL in C# (Unity
>>> uses C#) - see
>>> https://github.com/ViRGIS-Team/mdal-upm/blob/main/Runtime/Scripts/Mdal.cs
>>> This is not a generic C# interface and is not supported as such.
>>> However, it does provide examples of MDAL can be used in C#. Please send
>>> any feedback / suggestions to the GH Issues :
>>> https://github.com/ViRGIS-Team/mdal-upm/issues
>>> Has anyone done anything similar for accessing MDAL form Python - my
>>> next challenge?
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