[NAS] problem when importing atkis nas data into postgres

Armin Retterath armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de
Mon Jul 12 09:43:52 EDT 2010

hi frank,

it was the same source. once on an ubuntu 10.04 with qgis ppa and 
once on a stable debian lenny - sorry. i've compressed it and pushed it 
to another machine.


Am Montag 12 Juli 2010, um 14:41:00 schrieb Frank Warmerdam:
> Armin Retterath wrote:
> > hello altogether,
> > 
> > the problem has s.th. to do with ubuntu 10.04 and the packages
> > mentioned below.
> > under debian lenny the compiling and import was done well and 
> > right datatypes was inserted in the geometry_columns table.
> > maybe postgis > 1.3.3 (and or postgres > 8.4) was the problem?
> Armin,
> Hmm, this is a bit surprising.  You are sure in both cases you were
> building the same source code for GDAL/OGR?
> I see I am running PostGIS 1.4 on PostgreSQL 8.3.7.
> Best regards,

Im Auftrag
Armin Retterath

Kompetenz- und Geschäftsstelle Geodateninfrastruktur Rheinland-Pfalz
Landesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation Rheinland-Pfalz

Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße 15
56073 Koblenz
Telefon 0261/492-466
Telefax 0261/492-492
armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de