[Oceania-Board] 2024-2025 budget
elipuccioni at gmail.com
Wed May 1 14:18:30 PDT 2024
oh that's not nice. I suppose the lesson is learned, we need to apply for
the TGP as soon as OSGeo plan their budget next time.
Il giorno gio 2 mag 2024 alle ore 09:15 John Bryant via Oceania-Board <
oceania-board at lists.osgeo.org> ha scritto:
> Hi all, FYI:
> Unfortunately our request for TGP funding from OSGeo was not approved, see meeting
> minutes
> <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2024-04-30#FOSS4G_SotM_Oceania_TGP_Request>.
> The OSGeo TGP budget has already been spent for this year.
> John
> On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 10:16, John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think it's a good idea to model a pessimistic scenario, but the $4k
>> surplus isn't that pessimistic - it's based on a conference surplus that's
>> more than double Auckland's surplus.
>> A moderately pessimistic scenario would have to contain the possibility
>> the 2024 conference surplus is similar to 2023, ie ~13k. I'm optimistic
>> too, but given that Auckland is a much bigger market than Hobart, and cost
>> of living pressures are making people very cautious about discretionary
>> spending, I think we have to consider it within the realm of possibility.
>> I've done a moderately pessimistic "scenario 2" in the simplified sheet
>> that includes this contingency. It puts the TGP at $15k, reduces other
>> community investment (grants, sponsorship, WGs) by $5k, and it puts us at a
>> loss of ~$12k. Hopefully very unlikely, but at this stage we just don't
>> know - our most recent experience indicates that it's possible.
>> I don't think we're in a financial position right now to allocate more
>> than we've ever spent on TGP, at a point when we're at maximum uncertainty
>> about conference income. Our past experience has shown us we can approach
>> it progressively - allocate a modest amount now, and increase it when we
>> become more confident we have the surplus to support it.
>> I guess what I'm saying is that I think we should start small, and grow
>> it when we hit sponsorship and registration targets, otherwise we run the
>> risk we 1) make a large loss again next year and/or 2) have to cut
>> other community investments.
>> Cheers
>> John
>> On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 07:24, Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi John
>>> I think targeting a $4 k surplus is ok in the pessimistic scenario.
>>> I really hope that we can deliver something like a $60 k surplus from
>>> the conference, like we did in Melbourne and Wellington. I'm always fairly
>>> optimistic, but I have had a lot of people say that they're excited to come
>>> to Hobart, and we can handle a pretty big crowd... so maybe we'll exceed
>>> expectations.
>>> I'm ok with starting the budget with a modest TGP allocation of $15 k
>>> including the OSGeo cash and increasing if we can.
>>> Cheers,
>>> On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 19:32, John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Elisa, that's really helpful input. I had a rough idea of what
>>>> had happened, but I didn't know we hadn't actually planned to do PGRSC as
>>>> part of the program. So this year, should we proactively include other
>>>> events in our TGP budget?
>>>> Let me ask everyone... what if we zoom out for a moment, simplify, and
>>>> think of the budget as having 3 major components:
>>>> - *Conference surplus*: Virtually all of our income is derived from
>>>> this one source, and needs to pay for everything else, so this is crucial;
>>>> but it's handled in detail by another budget - we can provide oversight
>>>> using that budget.
>>>> - *Operational expenses*: These are relatively predictable and
>>>> fixed; we can fiddle with them a bit, but it looks like they'll be
>>>> somewhere in the range of $6000-10000.
>>>> - *Community Investment expenses*: This is where we have the most
>>>> discretion. For the current financial year we're on target to spend around
>>>> $20k.
>>>> *So.... what if we figure out the total amount we can afford to spend
>>>> in the Community Investment category, and then allocate that into TGP,
>>>> Grants, Sponsorship, and Committees/WGs?* The benefit of this approach
>>>> is 1) we spend what we can afford and 2) we consider the relative impact
>>>> where we invest. We have a finite amount of money - if we spend $10k on X,
>>>> we can't spend it on Y or Z, even if Y or Z might actually have a bigger
>>>> impact.
>>>> It forces us to contend with the question: If our total community
>>>> investment spend is $25k, and we spend $15k on the TGP, do we cut back on
>>>> other grants and sponsorship?
>>>> I've added a "simple" version to this tab of the budget sheet
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gRWZXt1bZqTqNMf5sr7Ff5dH4Sp_Nabe4QoZHPPPpmw/edit#gid=1487652216>
>>>> to make it a little easier to reason with, and I've adjusted a couple of
>>>> numbers based on Alex's suggestions. Even with ops costs cut right back,
>>>> and "only" 10k allocated to TGP, it leaves us with a relatively modest
>>>> surplus of $4300. Increase the TGP to 15k and we're in the red - would need
>>>> to cut it from somewhere else (or ensure we have a bigger conference
>>>> surplus).
>>>> John
>>>> On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 15:47, eli <elipuccioni at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Actually I have an input re:TGP:
>>>>> The higher budget we had for Auckland and (hopefully) we will have for
>>>>> Hobart is aiming to enable more participation from the pacific. We have
>>>>> noticed that smaller grants cut the majority of the pacific applicants off,
>>>>> due to the cost of traveling. So I’m in full support of this higher
>>>>> spending on TGP (no surprises here!).
>>>>> Moreover, because of the problems with NZ immigration last year, we
>>>>> “moved” people from Auckland to Suva, so PGRSC grantees were actually
>>>>> FOSS4G winners, we didn’t have a separate budget and program for that
>>>>> conference. That said, one of my personal goals would be extending the TGP
>>>>> to relevant conferences in the Pacific, especially the PGRSC, but I
>>>>> understand that might not be possible to implement every year and will
>>>>> depend on our finances.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Elisa
>>>>> Potrebbe andar peggio...potrebbe piovere!
>>>>> Il giorno mar 23 apr 2024 alle 19:36 eli <elipuccioni at gmail.com> ha
>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>> Thanks both Alex and John for this and support of I’m not adding much
>>>>>> input in this. As Jonah said, I am too learning from your expertise and
>>>>>> feel I still have a bit of learning to do before contributing more actively!
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Elisa
>>>>>> Potrebbe andar peggio...potrebbe piovere!
>>>>>> Il giorno mar 23 apr 2024 alle 18:40 John Bryant via Oceania-Board <
>>>>>> oceania-board at lists.osgeo.org> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Thanks Alex, I've made a few modifications to the sheet based on
>>>>>>> your suggestions:
>>>>>>> - split event income & expenses (I used the Hobart budget middle
>>>>>>> scenario for these amounts, ex GST)
>>>>>>> - split the single conference line into separate lines for each
>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>> - put OSGeo TGP grant into 2024 projected rather than 2025
>>>>>>> budgeted
>>>>>>> Having the conference items separated out like that is a bit more
>>>>>>> complex, but I like the extra detail. The big thing that jumps out at me,
>>>>>>> though, is the need to refine the conference estimates as early as we can.
>>>>>>> Re: TGP, I'm certainly open to the suggestion of increasing it (if
>>>>>>> we have good reason), I think it's an important part of what we do.
>>>>>>> It would be great to have more insight into how much money we
>>>>>>> actually need, and what we're aiming for. By my calculations, this is what
>>>>>>> we've spent over the years:
>>>>>>> - Melbourne 2018: $4650 for 7 people
>>>>>>> - Wellington 2019: $9000 for 14 people
>>>>>>> - Auckland 2023: $6400 for 5 people
>>>>>>> - PGRSC 2023: $5100 for 3 people
>>>>>>> Would the Hobart TGP be significantly different from Auckland?
>>>>>>> Should we include other events this year (eg PGRSC) in our budget?
>>>>>>> One other thought - in 2018 and 2019, we started off with a modest
>>>>>>> budget for the TGP and increased it as we became more confident we had the
>>>>>>> funds. Could this approach work for us this year as well?
>>>>>>> By the way, everyone, Alex and I are engaging in this, but he's
>>>>>>> right, all board members should be thinking about our finances and
>>>>>>> providing their input (please).
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 18:32, Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok, so here's the notes from the march minutes
>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LMz-7ENIqbuE-QGhqB6ryO9bDRYFS0E4bxZMgjJQb2w/edit>
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> - Intent to allocate 10k to TGP (pending FY24/25 budget
>>>>>>>> discussion and approval)
>>>>>>>> - Planning to request USD5k from OSGeo (Dorothy will write it
>>>>>>>> up)
>>>>>>>> It's a little ambiguous, but I'd like to request that we allocate
>>>>>>>> $10 k from the OO budget plus the $5 k (AUD) from OSGeo.
>>>>>>>> We've kicked off the TGP early, and I'm hoping we can spend our
>>>>>>>> allocation and bring as many people as we can along to the event in Hobart,
>>>>>>>> so if we're as successful as we have been in past years, I'd love to
>>>>>>>> increase the amount that's available too.
>>>>>>>> If we have a starting point of $15 k, that will set Dorothy up
>>>>>>>> nicely to start planning.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 19:44, John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thinking a bit more about TGP...
>>>>>>>>> I suggest this:
>>>>>>>>> - we allocate $10k to TGP (including OSGeo $5000)
>>>>>>>>> - if the OSGeo request is declined, we reconsider our
>>>>>>>>> allocation
>>>>>>>>> - if/when conference sponsors provide extra TGP funds, we
>>>>>>>>> increase the amount accordingly
>>>>>>>>> In total, this would be roughly in line with how much we spent
>>>>>>>>> last year, and should be enough for the 10 TGP registrations allocated in
>>>>>>>>> the conference budget, potentially with money left over for other events.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 15:28, John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I wasn't at the March meeting, but it sounded like the outcome
>>>>>>>>>> was that the discussion would happen later when we talked about the budget.
>>>>>>>>>> I don't think we've had any other discussions about it?
>>>>>>>>>> So I reckon this is the budget discussion where we should make
>>>>>>>>>> that decision.
>>>>>>>>>> These seem like relevant points:
>>>>>>>>>> - the Hobart conf budget accounts for 10 TGP regos
>>>>>>>>>> - this year we spent ~12k including the OSGeo $5k
>>>>>>>>>> I haven't seen an accounting of last year's TGP (number and
>>>>>>>>>> amount of grants) but it would be useful, if anyone knows about it?
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 15:12, Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, I thought we agreed on $20 k like last year?
>>>>>>>>>>> Apologies if I remembered wrong.
>>>>>>>>>>> Was the $10 k you thought we agreed including the OSGeo money?
>>>>>>>>>>> *Alex Leith*
>>>>>>>>>>> m: +61 419 189 050
>>>>>>>>>>> https://auspatious.com
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 5:11 PM, John Bryant <
>>>>>>>>>>> johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks everyone, great comments so far.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex, one question, you said "We have earmarked $20 k for the
>>>>>>>>>>>> TGP for the Hobart conference"... all I'm aware of is a discussion at the
>>>>>>>>>>>> March board meeting where the outcome was: "Intent to allocate 10k to TGP
>>>>>>>>>>>> (pending FY24/25 budget discussion and approval)"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Where does the $20k figure come from?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 at 09:04, Jonah Sullivan <
>>>>>>>>>>>> jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm really glad to see Alex and John engaging on the very
>>>>>>>>>>>>> important topic of financial probity. I probably shouldn't have raised my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hand as treasurer, considering my lack of experience and annoying work
>>>>>>>>>>>>> commitments, but I'm glad to be more involved in the process - I'm learning
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a lot already.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024, 08:53 Alex Leith via Oceania-Board, <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> oceania-board at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi John
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For this FY, here's some comments:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - I requested travel grant funding from OSGeo a week ago
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for $3,500 USD. That should be received this FY, I expect.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - The other hard to forecast difference is sponsorship
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and ticket sales for the conference, which should start happening this FY.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm hoping to start reaching out to potential sponsors, and some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organisations like spending money in the current FY. I expect to have some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> money flowing in soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - I want to note that since our term deposits matured in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> December, and we received ~$1,800, we haven't now got any cash earning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interest. I think it would be a good idea to put money away in a 12 month
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> term deposit, as we can now achieve 4.75% interest, so on $50 k, that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over $2,000 of free money!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - We perhaps need a budget line for conference 2024,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since we have paid the deposit for the venue at $14 k.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the 2025 budget:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - The $25 k surplus is quite conservative. I think we'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do better than that for the conference, but it's nice to be conservative in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> budgeting!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - We have earmarked $20 k for the TGP for the Hobart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conference. With $5 k coming from OSGeo, that leaves a worst case of $15 k
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from OO. (This will be topped up by the conference with a portion of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sponsorship going to TGP.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And just a note that we should be doing budgeting with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> balance sheet in mind too. We currently have $60 k in the bank, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unusually low, mostly because we have started paying expenses for the 2024
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conference, but haven't got any income yet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now it's a fairly minor thing, but I would prefer to have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate line for conference income and conference expenses. We sometimes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have smaller regional events, and it's good to see the difference in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expense/income per event.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And one of those boring reminders too that as Board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Directors, we need to remember that we are all individually accountable for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the financial health of the organisation, we can't delegate that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility to others, so please engage with this important work and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make sure you understand it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Apr 2024 at 12:58, John Bryant via Oceania-Board <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oceania-board at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi board,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The 2024-2025 financial year (FY25) begins on 1 July.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It would be good to move the FY25 budget forward, ideally we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can approve it in May but I'm sure there will be some discussion required.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps we can discuss in this thread over the next couple of weeks and put
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it on the agenda for further discussion at the May board meeting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My ambition with this is to:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - come up with a realistic set of numbers we can use to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guide spending decisions in the upcoming financial year
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - set targets for income, community investment, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ultimately, a surplus to help keep us solvent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - provide clear and visible financial targets and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> priorities to the community
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please review the attached PDF and/or the Google
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sheet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gRWZXt1bZqTqNMf5sr7Ff5dH4Sp_Nabe4QoZHPPPpmw/edit#gid=61568483>?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've listed several questions that I hope will help us move it forward.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your comments and questions please!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 at 16:15, John Bryant <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We discussed at the February board meeting that we should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get moving on a budget for next year. I want to kick off a discussion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> towards hopefully having a first draft within the next few weeks, and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> final draft for approval in May.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a sheet here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gRWZXt1bZqTqNMf5sr7Ff5dH4Sp_Nabe4QoZHPPPpmw/edit#gid=0> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the current year projected and actual amounts for context.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For now, do you have any specific items on your wish list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for next year?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a few suggestions and questions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - *Distinct "Operational" & "Community Investment"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expense categories*. By doing this, we make sure we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allocate enough to keep the lights on, and then we have better sight of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what we can afford to invest in community programs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - *Separate grants and sponsorship*. They're accounted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for separately in Xero and I think it caused some confusion this year when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we overspent on the combined item. We ultimately increased the budget
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amount but for a time the Grants committee was unsure if they should hit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pause. By separating these, I think we add clarity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - *Remove "Special Interest Groups"?* We don't really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have any SIGs (OSM SIG has never been active, QGIS SIG wound up in June
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2022). I still think we should make these kinds of investments in OSM and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> QGIS community groups of course, but maybe we do it under sponsorship and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grants line items?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - *TGP:* At the last board meeting there was talk of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~10k for the Travel Grant Program, is this the right amount? It sounds like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Hobart conference may have about $5000 to add to this, depending on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sponsorship (Alex correct me if I've got this wrong!).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also I think we'll need to make a projection on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conference surplus, perhaps this is an item for discussion at the next
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> board meeting on the 3rd.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your thoughts?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oceania-Board at lists.osgeo.org
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Alex Leith*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m: +61 419 189 050
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://auspatious.com
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oceania-Board mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oceania-Board at lists.osgeo.org
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Alex Leith*
>>>>>>>> m: +61 419 189 050
>>>>>>>> https://auspatious.com
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>>>>>>> Oceania-Board mailing list
>>>>>>> Oceania-Board at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/oceania-board
>>> --
>>> *Alex Leith*
>>> m: +61 419 189 050
>>> https://auspatious.com
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> Oceania-Board mailing list
> Oceania-Board at lists.osgeo.org
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Potrebbe andar peggio...potrebbe piovere!
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