[Australia] Conference branding advice

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 17:28:30 PST 2007

There are two key conferences that Lisasoft is planning to attend in 
Australia this year, plus one or two possibles.

Key Conferences:
1. http://www.ssc2007.com/ 14-18 May 2007. Hobart Australia.

2. http://gita.org.au/ 6-8 August 2007. Brisbane Australia.
I have been offered 25 min slot to present an OSGeo talk at this conference.

Possible Conferences:
http://www.orkestrate.com.au/events/GIS07/  27-28 March. Sydney Australia.

I've been talking with Milton Lofberg from Autodesk about how best to 
man and fund stands for both our companies and OSGeo.
We would like to create an OSGeo stand and promote OSGeo, and at the 
same time promote our own companies, which include proprietary products.
A couple of options open to us are:
1. Buy 3 booths. A Lisasoft, Autodesk and OSGeo booth.
Problem: We might not have enough people to man all booths.
Problem: An extra booth will cost ~ $US3000.

2. Buy 2 booths, Lisasoft, and Autodesk (probably next to each other). 
Create signs which say "We support OSGeo projects", along with an OSGeo 
Problem: We would need to ensure our company supports OSGeo, not the 
other way around.
Problem: The OSGeo community might not approve of this "watering down" 
of the OSGeo brand.

1. Buy 1 booth. Same as 2), but we share space.


So we are looking for advice on OSGeo Branding. What is recommended? I 
assume the visibility committee is the body who should make this decision?

Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5011
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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