[OpenGeoscience] OSGeo Open Geoscience Committee approved (Raffaele)

"Peter Löwe" peter.loewe at gmx.de
Mon Aug 24 10:01:05 PDT 2015

Dear Raffaele,

a warm (yet delayed) welcome to you for joining this list. Thanks for introducing yourself. Since a lot of FOSS is already being used in the NH Division (-> Tsunami Early Warning Systems, etc.), your input & networking will be very valuable.


>In brief, I?m a research associate at University of Basilicata (UNIBAS) where I work in the field of water resource management, in >particular flood risk and management, GIS and hydrology. I?m also co-founder of the UNIBAS Wat-TUBE spin-off where we work on the >development of software in the field of environmental monitoring.
>Finally, as I said in the last email, I was elected this year as ECS Raprs of NH Division of EGU. As ECR I want to encourage the >involvement, the active participation and connection between ECS and with the NH Division.
>At last, I?m a young scientists that believe in the open geo-science as an instruments to build networks and collaborations and to >increase involvement of everyone in the scientific processes.

<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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