[OpenLayers-Dev] Automated Testing

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Wed Dec 19 16:00:06 EST 2007


Eric Lemoine wrote:
> Now I'm a bit concerned with "Run tests in at least on browser" before
> commit. I would rather go with "Run tests in at least IE and FF".

I also don't really like this scenario.  I know there are plenty of 
commits that go in without a test in IE.  However, I think the pressure 
we put on ourselves to test in IE ultimately benefits us.  It's a 
serious pain to go back and make a workaround for IE - and nobody likes 
to do it for another's changes.  I think if we want the project to work 
in IE, then testing modifications in IE is ultimately the responsibility 
of the committer.

All that said, I'm much happier when I get away with making a change 
that I haven't had to test in IE - and I entirely understand the other 

I know Erik has expressed frustration about this before (commits that 
break IE) - which is why I suggested waiting until he could weigh in on 
this before we really made any change.


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