[OpenLayers-Dev] firefox events problem

li ethan ethan919 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 03:07:54 EST 2007

Dear listers!
      I have a problem about trigger event on firefox2.0, Currently I'm
using openlayers-2.5,and construct a marker like this:
               var marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(lonlat);
               marker1.events.register("mouseover", marker1, function(evt) {
                  Event.stop(evt); });
when I use IE7,there is no problem,I can see the alert window,but when I use
firefox2.0,it seems like the event never fired,nothing happend on the
screen.Did anyone encounter the same problem,or it's just my code's
problem,Am I missing anything about events.Thanks for any kind of help!

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