[OpenLayers-Dev] Integrating Google Maps and Mapserver

Ludwig M Brinckmann ludwigbrinckmann at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 04:23:14 EDT 2007

On 02/07/07, Bradley Mclain <bradleym06 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also just thought that I'd mention that my Mapserver is not properly set
> up as a WMS and it will be quite difficult to do so so I'd rather use the
> cgi mode of Mapserver. However when looking at the Mapserver examples I
> failed to see anything at all which resembled this. It calls "
> http://labs.metacarta.com/wms/vmap0" but shouldn't there be a
> "cgi-bin/mapserv?map=" somewhere.

The form the URL looks at the beginning is irrelevant for a servers
compliance with the WMS protocol.

There are many -- reasonably well documented -- ways how the
'cgi-bin/mapserv?/map=' can be hidden. See

But the first thing to test is if your server works at all -- outside the
OpenLayers client. Run something like


in your browser (substituting your layer names and your URL). If your server
works, you should get a map image, if not an XML error message.

Once this is working, you can add your server to your OpenLayers client as a
WMS server (the HttpRequest bit will not work).


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