[OpenLayers-Dev] maxExtent Interpretation

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri Jul 20 09:16:44 EDT 2007


The recent mail to the users list is yet another case of
http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/340 . 

I think we (by which I mean "I") have pushed back on this for far too
long. I guess we need a decision on it. It seems like we currently do a
combination of 'very loose' for map browsing, and 'loose' or 'very
loose' for tile requests, depending on displayOutsideMaxExtent setting.
Is that correct?  

So far, all the requests I have seen, loose is good enough. I'd be
willing to have a Map level option that was something like 'extentType':
'loose' or something similar, so long as:

 * The default doesn't change the existing behavior
 * The differences are fairly well described in a wiki item or something

Does that seem sane? Is this something we can still squeeze into 2.5?

Christopher Schmidt

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