[OpenLayers-Dev] KML overlays over Google Maps broken?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Sat Nov 3 18:32:35 EDT 2007

On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 03:05:27PM -0700, Chris Whitney wrote:
> When I try to put a KML overlay over a Google Maps base layer, the KML will
> "jump around" on the map.  This error does not occur when a WMS is the base
> layer.
> For an example:
> http://cwsquared.net/map/test.html
> A yellow 3-sided square should appear on that map (bounded by +/- 40
> degrees).  If the Metacarta WMS (vmap0) is the base layer, it works
> properly.  However, one of the Google Maps layers is selected, the KML will
> move around as the map is zoomed or panned.  The bug appears in both Firefox
> and Safari.

Vectors don't work over Commercial Layers. You will need to use
http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/SphericalMercator -- which means you
will need to reproject your KML data to this projection. 

Before 2.6, we will have the ability to reproject the vector data on the
clientside, but we're not there yet.

Christopher Schmidt

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