[OpenLayers-Dev] vector behavior

Tim Schaub tschaub at openplans.org
Mon Apr 14 19:46:47 EDT 2008


Some may have already seen the proposal for new vector layer behavior.

This week, I'll be working on implementing a bit of this new design. 
I'm focussed on an AtomPub protocol, an Atom format, and a somewhat 
smartish BBOX strategy.

I've started putting stuff up in an "almanac" sandbox.  The one example 
that shows it wired together is not that impressive - but it represents 
a new design for giving vector layers behavior.


I appreciate any ideas on the work.  I've got a deadline to get this 
working by next Monday - so it will be hasty work for a while.


I've also refactored the WFS stuff into a WFS protocol.  This is 
completely untested and expected not to work currently.  If anybody is 
interested in picking that up, sbenthall will be working on it this week 
as well.


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