[OpenLayers-Dev] OL internal (vector) feature organisation / #1666

Eric Lemoine eric.c2c at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 01:42:05 EDT 2008

Hi. Work on that is of interest. I'm +1 on investigations around
browser event-based solutions, the geometry intersection-based option
having issues with points as you pointed out in the previous thread.
The idea of having all vector layers within one SVG/VML tag sounds
worth investigating to me. If you're decided to start working on that
i'd recommend creating a sandbox, this will make your work visible and
encourage collaboration. On a side note there's a big renderer patch
waiting for review in the trunk, you may want to either wait for this
patch to be in trunk or apply it to your sandbox, the same comment may
apply to the canvas patch. Thanks. Eric

2008/8/13, Lars Lingner <ml at lingner.eu>:
> Hello developers,
> I want to contribute some time of mine to the OL Project and you can
> read about the topic my email [1] to the users-list
> There are also open tickets regarding this topic namely #434 [2] and
> #1666 [3]
> Before someone can start implementing a solution, I think we need first
> the solution. As Andreas Hocevar replied in [1] and the ticket comments
> in [2] show, there might be more than one solution.
> There was even a project for Google SoC named "Improved Vector Feature
> Selection" [4]. I suspect that nobody is working on this topic, but
> maybe I'm wrong.
> How would someone (like me) start working on such an project?
> If there are still developers interested in, it would be nice to hear
> some comments.
> lars
> [1]
> http://www.nabble.com/OL-internal-(vector)-feature-organisation-tt18943463.html
> [2]
> http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/434
> [3]
> http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1666
> [4]
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/SummerOfCode#ImprovedVectorFeatureSelection
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