[OpenLayers-Dev] Using OpenLayers with ArcGIS Server

Yingqi anakintang at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 16:16:15 EST 2008

How do you want integrate exactly?

(1) still use the web application ArcGIS Server Web ADF generated and have
merge OL layers into that web application?


(2) You just need the services from ArcGIS Server and integrate that as a
layer in OL?

If (2) then the short path is to publish your service as a WMS service,
otherwise you may have to extend OL to deal with ArcGIS Server Web Service;
if (1) I believe it's quite hard if not impossible...


Connie Leung wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a website that is based on ArcGIS Server ADF (.net). I would like
> to
> display points stored in sql server on the map. The requirements for the
> points are
> 1) display the point dynamically based on data stored in the db
> 2) draggable on the map (in order to update the coordinate in db).
> 3) the point is selectable by a single point of click
> 4) have a mouse over popup box associate with each point.
> I was looking at the openLayers examples and seems like its Vector layer
> can
> do all 4 requirements. My question is does anyone of you have experience
> in
> integrating openlayers with ArcGIS Server? Do you think it is doable? Do
> you
> recommended to overlay openlayers with ArcGIS Server?
> I am not a savoy developer, I would be great if anyone can you give me
> some
> pointer where to start.
> Thanks for any advice in advance
> Connie
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View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Using-OpenLayers-with-ArcGIS-Server-tp14744724p14814891.html
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