[OpenLayers-Dev] Additional Documentation

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Nov 13 08:16:24 EST 2008

On 13-Nov-08, at 7:33 AM, Jacolin Yves wrote:

> Le Thursday 13 November 2008 13:02:56 Christopher Schmidt, vous avez  
> écrit :
>> I believe that translations of documents could also be managed this  
>> way:
>> simply have a spherical_mercator.fr.rst document alongside the  
>> English
>> one, for example.
> Hi Christopher,
> Great to hear this :) I would prefer using something like the OSGeo  
> journal
> [1]  and add a locate flag to your build command to build only  
> documentation
> for one langage.

Who wouldn't want to create documentation in latex rather than  
something boring like rst?  Oh, that would be everyone ;)

Chris ... can you explain why you would want to do it this way rather  
than through the wiki?  I am for this approach but it seems that there  
is already some level of prose documentation in the wiki and having  
stuff in two places seems a bit confusing.


    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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