[OpenLayers-Dev] SRS transform problem EPSG:900913 -> EPSG:23030

Patrick O'Brian paddyobrian79 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 05:50:09 EST 2009

Hi all,

we are using google map layer with WMS from GeoServer using EPSG:23030.
We have detected a difference between geotools and OpenLayers srs
conversions using EPSG:900913 -> EPSG:23030.
900913 => (-754113.99,4563131.15)
23030_OpenLayers => (168035.13030878676,4199884.834826067)
23030_GeoTools2.5.3 => (168141.88493782945,4199937.868013817)

which is a huge difference:
dx=106.75462904269 m
dy=53.033187750 m

The WMS image fits with google layer, but the cursor track shows a diferent
position than the database and the image with the geoserver preview.

Can anyone tell us which is the correct srs conversion?


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