[OpenLayers-Dev] projection through urn syntax

Richard didier didier.richard at ign.fr
Mon May 4 07:35:16 EDT 2009

Le Lundi 4 Mai 2009 13:25, bartvde at osgis.nl a écrit :
> Hi list,
> Currently Proj4js and OpenLayers use EPSG:XXXX as the syntax for
> projections, whereas OWSContext uses the urn syntax, for example:
> urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326
> So in my OWSContext Format I use a small utility function which transforms
> this into EPSG:4326.
> The urn syntax can also be present in GML3 files.
> Question:
> -would this belong in OpenLayers' Projection.js or in Proj4js?

I have added URN in Proj4js. At least, it is in the trunk (See 


> Best regards,
> Bart
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Didier RICHARD, chef du pôle technique Géoportail pour l'IGN
Institut Geographique National           tel: +33/0
2/4 Avenue Pasteur                       fax: +33/0
F-94165 St-Mande Cedex                e-mail: Didier.Richard at ign.fr

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