[OpenLayers-Users] tiles getting cached locally and redrawn in the wrong place

percy percyd at pdx.edu
Fri Mar 16 18:41:10 EDT 2007

We have the strange problem of map tiles getting cached locally and 
showing up in the wrong places. I have been looking everywhere in the 
docs, etc for a "force tile get" kind of an option. This is the only 
solution that *I* could think of...

It's a reproducible error: 
http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ngmdb/ngm_compsearch_map.html, pan over to Alaska 
(don't click the Alaska button), dbl-click between fairbanks and 
Anchorage, and part of Kansas will be overlaid by Alaska.

Darndest thing, it's like global warming in reverse for Kansas :-)
(okay, I just noticed that sometimes it's California that gets sent to 
the frozen North...)

We are using a kamap tile cache. A user on IRC says he gets a similar 
problem occasionally (more under heavy server load), and he's using a 
tilecache (the OTHER one). His was not as consistent as ours is.

Thanks for any help, I'd would *happily* take the performance hit of 
actually requesting every single tile again, rather than have misplaced 

David Percy
Geospatial Data Manager
Geology Department
Portland State University

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