[OpenLayers-Users] Moving in map WMS/GML

Eric Lemoine Eric.Lemoine at camptocamp.com
Tue Mar 27 16:07:16 EDT 2007

On 3/16/07, Dipl.-Inf.(FH) Carsten Eider <eider at fh-bingen.de> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> there is a strange behaviour in my map, where i use
> normal LAYER.WMS.UNTILED and two LAYER.GML(EPSG:31467)
> 1.) When I grab the map and move to any direction,
> the underlying wms.layers are move correctly, but the gml.layers are
> move the double way.
> (See attachment after.png=moveWest(before.png)
> If I zoom out and in again, the display is corrected.
> 2.) We restrict the displayable area  with a maxExtent.
> If i use a much more larger maxExtent than the area i want to see,
> the area is not the one i want to see. I even cannot move to the area I
> should normally be
>         map = new OpenLayers.Map($('map'), {
>                                 projection: "EPSG:31467",
>                                 maxExtent:  maxEBBOX,
>                                 maxResolution: "auto",
>                                 units: 'meters'
>                         });
> Unfortunately I don't remember which trunk/branch of openlayers i am using.
> What is the actual trunk for using wms und gml.layers ?
> Any suggestions for my errors?


I came accross this behavior with and old revision of the old vector branch.

I'd recommend porting your OpenLayers app to the 2.4 dev branch,
namely http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/.

If you really need to stick with your old version, send me a mail, I
may have a patch to address your specific issue.

Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 96
Mail : eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com

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