[OpenLayers-Users] error in resolution index from tilecache/geoserver

Lance Dyas lancelot at inetnebr.com
Mon Nov 26 10:04:48 EST 2007

Well..I am actually more interested in whether there is a good way to 
reference the tiles directly
from out of a saved tile cache
I noticed that WSGI part of the README mentions accessing this way
but how would one connect to that with Open layes

My complaints might be addressed by changes in the readme or
a new tutorial that was more elaborate...about gotchas I ran into
which is something easy enough to make myself  ;-)

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> you would expect the extents as advertised by the WMS in question
>> should be sufficient.. 
> OpenLayers doesn't talk to the server, because OpenLayers can't talk to
> the server in most cases. (See
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy .)  
For bounding box I can write in to the openlayers page exactly what the 
WMS server gave
me via a getcapabilities.. and write exactly what the server gave me 
into the Config file and it doesnt work...

Due to rounding errors in tile cache? 

the lat long values which are mentioned in the README are nice long 
decimal not rounded off.

Also the default value for maxResolution used by TileCache is not 
actually mentioned  (though you might figure it out
by reading the entry on bbox)

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