[OpenLayers-Users] error in resolution index from tilecache/geoserver

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Mon Nov 26 10:43:33 EST 2007

On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:04:48AM -0600, Lance Dyas wrote:
> Well..I am actually more interested in whether there is a good way to
> reference the tiles directly from out of a saved tile cache

I answered how to do this last night.

> I noticed that WSGI part of the README mentions accessing this way
> http://example.com/yourdir/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/basic/0/0/0.png
> but how would one connect to that with Open layes

That's a TMS layer, which can be accessed with the Layer.TMS class. 

Christopher Schmidt

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