[OpenLayers-Users] stitch together multiple maps?

Wendell Turner wendell at enflight.com
Thu May 15 13:33:36 EDT 2008

I have several GeoTIFF images and each shows up just fine
(by itself, using gdal2tile to break them up).

How do I use OpenLayers to show a patchwork of maps?  That
is, the left edge of one is the right edge of the other; the
bottom of one is the top of yet another, etc.  In fact, I
have lots of these that form a mosaic of a given area.

Should I use gdalxxx to put them together to form one (very
large) map and then use gdal2tile to break it up, or craft
OpenLayers.Layer.TMS.prototype.getURL to determine which
patch to get?  If the latter, how do I reference everything
in lat/lon degrees instead of pixels?

Is there an example of this in the openlayers example
section?  I looked, but since I'm new to OpenLayers, I'm not
sure what I was seeing, or what I should be looking for.



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