[OpenLayers-Users] OL 2.7 Marjers Feature Style_map

Eric Lemoine eric.c2c at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 12:56:53 EDT 2008

Actually, setting multiple to true in the options object passed to the
select feature control constructor should do the trick. Eric

2008/10/9, Eric Lemoine <eric.c2c at gmail.com>:
> Hi.
> StyleMap applies to Layer.Vector only.
> I'm not sure I understand your problem with vector feature selection.
> You want to be able to select one feature without unselecting other
> selected features; is that it?
> With the select feature control you can do that with some option and
> by pressing the SHIFT key during selection. I'm not sure you can
> configure the select feature control to enable multi selection without
> having to press any modifier key (I have to check); if not it
> shouldn't be that hard to build your own select feature control. Look
> at the select feature control code if you want to follow that path.
> Cheers
> Eric
> 2008/10/9, Walter Lorenzetti <lorenzetti at gis3w.it>:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't know if is it possible:
>> watching on news 2.7 example I found markers_shadow.html
>> Is fantastic for my new application where now I use icon image just with
>> shadow...
>> I see that now is possible to setup a stylemap obj for a vector layer ong
>> but I've a problem
>> in my application I parse a gml file to put a markers layer on the map:
>> 1) I parse the gml file
>> 2) I build several OpenLayers.Feature obj
>> 3) I add several metadata from parse file to my new features and new
>> icon on .data.icon and a popup object
>> 4) from the new features I build markes
>> 5) for every marker I register a function on click event
>> marker.events.register ("click") for show a popup
>> 6) at the end I put all my new markers in a mew marker layer obj
>> I do that because on a more simple vector layer is too difficult
>> register a click event
>> because I can only select the single feature...
>> so my question is:
>> Is possible apply the stylemap method to a OpenlayersFeature?
>> Or with a vector layer obj is there a symple method for a click event?
>> I hope my english is not too bad
>> Thanks in advance
>> Walter
>> --
>> Walter Lorenzetti
>> email: lorenzetti at gis3w.it
>> skype: aiki74
>> Cell: (+39) 347-6597931  Tel+Fax: (+39) 0583 926684
>> Via di Tofori 123a 55010, Camigliano-S.Gemma Lucca
>> Italy
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