[OpenLayers-Users] problem with multiple SRS

Lehtonen, Mika mika at digikartta.net
Thu Oct 30 12:30:46 EDT 2008

And as an addition:
EPSG21781 definition  for proj4js can be found also from here:


Just dig my own EPSG:2393 up from there. ;-)

- mika -

Jerome Freyre kirjoitti:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm trying to do something special with OL but I have a lot of problems...
> My DB contains points in EPSG21781.
> My customer wants to have a google map layer.
> I tried to define the map project in EPSG21781 but it seems that it does not
> work.
> I thought that i can modify the DB but it will make a lot of problem because
> points are used in other software so I have to keep them in EPSG 21781.
> I found very little information about a project called proj4js but nothing
> about this SRS....
> Has someone got a solution to keep my srs and the gmap layer?
> Thx,
> Jérome 

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