[OpenLayers-Users] Change Vector Point feature class styles dynamically.

Jonathan Sawyer jon at gina.alaska.edu
Wed Oct 14 19:56:09 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I have a Vector layer being initialized with a default style. I am then
adding new vector features (Points) dynamically via Ajax calls and GeoJSON

Anyway, if I try to apply a non-default style to a Point dynamically using
something similar to this code:

        /* init code */

        var defaultStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({
            pointRadius: "${radius}",
            fillColor: "#00ddff",
            fillOpacity: 1,
            strokeColor: "#008899",
            strokeWidth: 1,
            strokeOpacity: 1,
        }, {
            context: {
                radius: function(feature) {
                    var pix = 3;
                    if (feature.cluster) {
                        pix = Math.min(feature.attributes.count, 5);
                    return pix;
                width: function(feature) {
                    return (feature.cluster) ? 3 : 1;

       var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("the name", {
                strategies: strat, // Cluster, Fixed
                protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
                    url: data.url, // the URL
                    format: frmt // GeoJSON
                projection: new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'),
                styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
                    "default": defaultStyle,
                    "select": {
                        fillColor: "#8aeeef",
                        strokeColor: "#32a8a9"

       map.addLayer(layer); // ==> map.layers[2]

        /* problem code */

       // map.layers[2].features[0] is the first point (in thousands of
points) in this layer
       map.layers[2].features[0].style = new OpenLayers.Style({
                pointRadius: "${radius}",
                fillColor: "#7766ff",
                fillOpacity: 1,
                strokeColor: "#2222ff",
                strokeWidth: 1,
                strokeOpacity: 1
            }, {
                context: {
                    radius: function(feature) {
                        var pix = 3;
                        if (feature.cluster) {
                            pix = Math.min(feature.attributes.count, 5);
                        return pix;
                    width: function(feature) {
                        return (feature.cluster) ? 3 : 1;

the Point in this layer disappears. What I want to do is change the style to
anything I want.

I must be missing something or misunderstanding how styles are applied in
OpenLayers. Thanks in advance for any and all help. I really appreciate it.

Jonathan Sawyer
Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA)
University of Alaska Fairbanks
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