[OpenLayers-Users] Calculating Distance between two points

Leipold, Christopher leipold at bi.bisnode.de
Fri Jun 25 04:07:22 EDT 2010


I'm trying to build a function that lets me draw a 'circle' (40-sided
polygon) and then get the coordinates of it's center and get it's

Drawing the circle is pretty straightforward (I just copied the code
from http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/regular-polygons.html). Getting
the Centroid and handling the sketchcomplete-event works (with Fabian's

I'm still stuck with getting the radius. I'm using a random point on the
circle with

var aussen = new

(though I'm not sure if that's the best way). And try to use
getGeodesicLength to get the distance (I need it in meters/km).

I tried this:


function getRingCenter(event) {

  var proj = map.getProjectionObject();

  var mitte = event.feature.geometry.getCentroid();

  var aussen = new

  var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([mitte, aussen]);


  alert (line.getGeodesicLength(proj));


  alert (line.getGeodesicLength(proj)* this.map.getScale() );

  alert (this.map.getUnits());



I don't understand what I get in the first alert, but it seems that it
has to do with the current display size/zoom level, so I tried to
multiply it with getScale(). According to getUnits() the result should
bei meters - but the numbers seem to be random.


I'm a little desperate - help is very much appreciated.


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