[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Layer.GML and showing name= of OSM data

Hendrik Oesterlin hendrikmail2002 at yahoo.de
Thu May 26 06:07:16 EDT 2011


I'm trying to make an overlay to display some circle and the name of
bus stops using OpenStreetMap data.

I have extracted the amenity=bus_station and highway=bus_stop using

I have figured out how to put some circle over the map to show the bus
stops using this code:

var Transports = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Transports", "arrets-bus.osm", {format: OpenLayers.Format.OSM,
styleMap:new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
"default": {
pointRadius: 4,
fillColor: "#00DD00",
strokeColor: "#ff0000",
fillOpacity: 0.2

An example is here: http://oesterlin.ile.nc/test/20110526atelier.html

I was not able to display any name= or other custom key beside or
below the circles. In this example, displaying "name=" and
"karuia:MNCP=" would be useful.

Is there a possibility to make OpenLayers filter by itself the
required key from an OpenStreetMap-XML file and display the contents?

Can someone give me some hints or even better some example how to do

Many thanks!

Hendrik Oesterlin

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