[OpenLayers-Users] Limit number of properties returned - WFS

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at osgis.nl
Tue Oct 4 02:10:25 EDT 2011




the section under "To limit the attributes returned by the GetFeature

Best regards,

> I'm querying a WFS service (from Geoserver). The problem is, the dataset
> is
> very large, and most of it is irrelevant to what I'm doing in OpenLayers.
> In
> this context I'm only interested in retrieving the points from the server,
> not the 100+ additional properties.
> I can construct a URL by hand to get what I want - every point, but only
> the
> position - like this:
> http://ubuntu-geospatial-server:8080/geoserver/wfs?service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=underway:ss2011_v03&propertyName=position
> However I haven't been able to work out the equivalent in OpenLayers.
> Filters will let me get, say, all the points in a certain period, but it
> will still return the full dataset, which is causing performance problems.
> I've looked through the API, mailing lists and Google, and I haven't been
> able to find any answers. Any help is much appreciated.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Limit-number-of-properties-returned-WFS-tp6857679p6857679.html
> Sent from the OpenLayers Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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