[OpenLayers-Users] Missing tiles in OSM map

Alessandro Candini candini at meeo.it
Wed Mar 14 10:14:24 EDT 2012

Ok, I solved this issue with the following lines:

OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadError = function() {
     this.src = "http://localhost/static/img/missingTile.png";

Where missingTile.png is a completely transparent image of size 256x256.

The visualization is now perfect on every browser, but using firebug on 
Firefox I see that every missing tile produces a 404 error anyway.
Can this lead to performance issues and is it possible to avoid these calls?

> Hi list.
> I produce tiles using mapnik (www.mapnik.org) and I use the following 
> map definition:
> var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
>         div: "map",
>         allOverlays: true,
>         maxExtent: bounds,
>         projection: fromProj,
>         displayProjection: toProj,
>         allowSelection: true,
>         controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(), new 
> OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()],
>         });
> var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(
>             layer_dir,
>             "tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
>             {zoomLevels: maxZoom, zoomOffset: minZoom, resolutions: res}
>         );
> map.addLayer(layer);
> The problem is that I have a visualization issue in IE and Chrome: the 
> missing tiles are represented as pink squares.
> Instead in Firefox the visualization is perfect  because it simply 
> uses a white background when the tile is missing.
> Is there a map or layer parameter to visualize as white the missing 
> tiles?
> Thanks in advance,
> Alessandro
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Alessandro Candini
MEEO S.r.l.
Via Saragat 9
I-44122 Ferrara, Italy
Tel: +39 0532 1861501
Fax: +39 0532 1861637

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