[OpenLayers-Users] transitionEffect related performance issue
in firefox/ubuntu
Daniel Behr
daniel.behr at hzg.de
Wed May 9 10:20:50 EDT 2012
okay, it was actually an easy solution. The next thing I did was to look
for the graphics driver, installed a newer nvidia driver and thats it.
keeping your system up to date isnt too bad...
> Hello,
> maybe this is of interest to someone or someone even knows a workaround.
> Its not primarily an OL issue, but some OL settings have an influence.
> Since a while I see extremely bad performance zooming in/out in my OL
> app. panning works fine, but zooming sometimes needs 5 seconds before
> the first new tile shows up (and so on), which makes quick zoom/pan
> actions impossible.
> I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 32bit and this happens only in firefox. I'm also
> quite sure that it got worse with every firefox release so that now with
> FF12 it really became annoying.
> on the same machine I have a FF 3.6.28, Chrome 18 and SeaMonkey 2.0
> which are much faster (Chrome wins, of course).
> I then checked out some colleagues' PCs/Browsers and found out that all
> other combinations (openSUSE,Xubuntu,Windows) are reasonably fast,
> except those also running ubuntu 10.04 32bit with firefox. ubuntu 10.04
> 64bit is fast, too.
> The main reason is that firefox brings Xorg to 100% CPU usage when
> zooming, which slows down the whole system. that seems to be a well
> known problem, when you google 'ubuntu firefox xorg'. other (ubuntu)
> systems seem to be affected, too.
> I tried a few tweaks from the search results but nothing worked for me.
> Then I saw that when I switch the baselayer in my app to standard OSM
> everythings works just fine. One of the differences is the
> transitionEffect=resize property on the layer. commenting that makes it
> *alot* faster again.
> I really like the transition effect, but I have no clue how many systems
> might be affected and if I should rather not use it.
> Are there other OL settings that may trigger browser rendering issues?
> thanks
> Daniel
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