[OpenLayers-Users] Future of OpenLayers or OL3

Phil Scadden p.scadden at gns.cri.nz
Tue Nov 20 12:27:25 PST 2012

> Firstly, when I heard OL3 will use webGL I was so happy... Until I read
> about microsoft's policy about webGL. Probably with fear of competition they
> are completely thinking that webGL has security issues.
While I loath IE and most microsofty things, I think MS actually has a 
point. This is access to ring 0 drivers from a website with very little 
sandboxing. A BSOD during a 3D game is an unfortunate fact of life 
because the drivers are so badly written. But a BSOD from visiting a 
website on the browser is more of a pain.
As for security - well 
I think the standard could do with more work.

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