[osgeo4w-dev] Unattended install

Jeremy Palmer JPalmer at linz.govt.nz
Fri May 7 19:50:44 EDT 2010

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the advice. I created the setup.ini.bz2 but that didn't make any difference. Actually I may have made a mistake in my original command. I think it should have been:

C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W>setup.exe -q -a --local-install --root C:\Dev\SPI\Test -l C:\Dev

Rather than: 

C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W>setup.exe -q -a --local-install --root C:\Dev\SPI\Test -l C:\Dev

as the release folder get automatically added. This still does not fix the issue. I believe the problem is that by default no packages are selected for install. Maybe another command line option is required to install all packages or a subset of...?

Your apt programme looks pretty nice. To get it working for my local install I need to fix 195 line in apt.py from:

    localFile = file(os.path.join(downloads + url), 'rb')


    localFile = file(os.path.join(downloads, url), 'rb')


Jeremy Palmer
Geodetic Surveyor
National Geodetic Office
Land Information New Zealand | Toitu te whenua
160 Lambton Quay | Private Box 5501 | Wellington 6145
DDI: 64 (0)4 498 3537 | Fax: 64 (0)4 498 3837 | www.linz.govt.nz


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