[osgeo4w-dev] Removing Java

César Martínez cmartinez at scolab.es
Thu Dec 10 04:38:49 PST 2015


I'd vote for removing Java now and to re-package it again when needed.
In this way we can assay a new packaging scheme in the following
months, avoiding the libxml conflict and offering Java version 8
instead of 7.

Best regards,

2015-12-08 17:20 GMT+01:00 Julien Malik <julien.malik at c-s.fr>:
> Hi,
> I would like to, in the mid-term (say in a few months), integrate SNAP and
> the Sentinel Toolboxes [1] in OSGeo4W.
> Currently we distribute installers with the jre included, but making it
> available in OSGeo4W is on my todo-list.
> It would make lots of sense since I've already seen QGIS Processing plugins
> with SNAP as a backend. Also SNAP provides Python bindings, but our
> installers do not embed any interpreter.
> It needs Java 8.
> Cheers,
> Julien
> [1] http://step.esa.int/main/
> On 04/12/2015 19:12, andrea antonello wrote:
>> Hi Juergen,
>>> On Fri, 04. Dec 2015 at 12:14:14 +0100, andrea antonello wrote:
>>>> So if you think that might be a problem for you, speak up (and be the
>>>> next maintainer :-) ) or be silent forever.
>>> Which java is gvsig going to use?
>> I am not sure about it yet, but right now we are tempted to place the
>> jre inside the gvSIG installation, in order to avoid conflicts and
>> version problems.
>> It will sure be a java 7 for this gvSIG version.
>> If some other project needs java, it should step up and discuss its
>> needs, so that we can coordinate.
>> Cheers,
>> Andrea
>>> Jürgen
>>> --
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>>> QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                    IRC: jef on
>>> FreeNode
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