[Live-demo] Provide .fix files for all Shapefiles
Stefan Tzeggai
tzeggai at wikisquare.de
Tue Aug 10 11:53:00 PDT 2010
Hi Brian
Thanks for your quick reply.
> to be clear...
> I am in favor of applications that want a .fix file, to generate them
> *not* to change the source repository somehow
Not so easy when the folder is read-only. ;-)
>Can you use a PostGIS data source for AS and GP ?
These changes are not for AS or GP. AtlasStlyer and Geopublisher are
fixed and have no problems with the r/o Shapefiles anymore.
This is to ensure that more widespread uDig has no problems with the
Natural Earth Shapefiles. uDig uses the same version of Geotools as GP
and AS.
>Natural Earth is already there and ready to go
I think we were missunderstanding. The workflow would stay the same: The
original and unchanged Natural Earth is downloaded and unzipped as it is
done now - just after that .fix files would be generated next to the
.shp files.
Think of it as generating thumbnails in imagefolders. For a live DVD one
would do it after downloading the images, but before the filesystem goes
>BUT the deadline for changes to the LiveDVD is long gone..
>Cameron is running the schedule, but my understanding
>is that there is no more time..
That is totally true. So i try not to slow down the process. If the .fix
is not needed, lets not do it.
Is it really needed with latest uDig? I guess Jody will reply tomorrow.
I will go to bed now.
Keep up the good work guys.. it's in every project that the last days
get a bit busier :-) ... In a month you all can hold the nice DVD and be
very proud of it!
On 10.08.2010 18:45, Brian Hamlin wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> The naturalearth data shapefiles are loaded by bin/loadgisdata.sh
>> It is loaded from the naturalearth website directly.
>> I'm open to you adding .fix files if you think it is easy enough to
>> achieve.
> to be clear...
> I am in favor of applications that want a .fix file, to generate them
> *not* to change the source repository somehow
> or create our own mirror "plus" repository
> maybe that is not what you want to do, and we are already in alignment
> the master data source, that is the Natural Earth site
> is going to be very widely relied upon
> IMO we would do better to write scripts that use it exactly as it is
> and then add any additional features locally
> best regards
> -Brian
>> On 10/08/10 21:10, Stefan A. Tzeggai wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hi
>>> I have installed the rc5 to my HDD and started investigating the
>>> problems reported for AtlasStyler and Geopublisher. This is what
>>> happens:
>>> The natural earth shapes don't have .fix spatial indexes. AtlasStyler
>>> tries to create them on-the-fly and gets a permission exception.
>>> I will write a fix, so that that will not be a problem anymore, but
>>> maybe we should anyways add .fix files to all Shapefiles on the DVD.
>>> .fix files are supported by Geotools, so uDig, Geoserver,
>>> Geopublisher and AtlasStyler (and probably more) would profit
>>> performance-wise.
>>> The data dir is not in the svn.. Tell me where it is, and i can provide
>>> .fix files for all shapefiles.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Steve
>>> - -- wiki² - Softwareentwicklung
>>> Stefan A. Tzeggai, geb. Krüger
>>> Straßburger Weg 26
>>> 53113 Bonn
>>> email tzeggai at wikisquare.de
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