[Live-demo] Requirements for project logos?
Alex Mandel
tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Oct 13 14:37:13 PDT 2010
On 10/13/2010 02:30 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Hamish,
> I'm revisiting and updating our definitions of OSGeo Marketing Artefacts
> [1] and OSGeo Live build steps [2] (mainly pointing from the Marketing
> Artefacts to the OSGeo Live for the process to create the artefact).
> And I'm stuck on our definition of project logos and project icons.
> We don't seem to have any consistency in logo size here:
> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/images/project_logos/
> Most logos are in png format, but there are some in gif and svg
> Also, I can't seem to find the guidelines on how to create a desktop
> icon, what shape it should be in, what format, etc. (I'm pretty sure
> Hamish pointed me at a wiki page before)
> I'm inclined to suggest that we should have these desktop icons in our
> svn, as it would be useful for people building derived marketing
> material (like powerpoint presentations) to have it all in one place.
> So I'd like advice on the definition of what we should be asking for in
> our processes regarding project logo / and project icon.
> I suspect this will be a preference of svg, with a fall back to png.
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Artefacts#Logo
> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Application_Overview
Yup svg is always preferred but doesn't seem to be normally available
from many projects (remember we often just grab what's on their
webpage). The fall back is a 64x64 or 32x32 png which is big enough to
be scaled smaller when needed but doesn't look blurry at the larger end
of desktop iconography.
Shape? that seems to be up to the project, as for a standard an svg made
on a 64x64 canvas in inkscape works fine. The funny part about that is
that svg is "infinitely" scalable so defining size doesn't really matter.
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