[Live-demo] Re: How should we handle OSGeo-Live translations?

Milena Nowotarska do.milenki at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 15:19:03 PST 2011

Hi Cameron,

2011/2/27 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

Your names is down as our Polish translator. (Are there more that haven't
> added their name to the translators.csv file?)

There is no more polish translators, I hope there will be more in the

> What is your suggestion for how we treat Polish ...

I was wondering how will we solve it, because I automagically translated
overview's headers and details referring to license and things. I did not
submited it yet because the main description is not touched, so I have
submited only finished overviews.
I think including even partially translated overviews would possibly bring
us new translators.

I am able to keep polish documents up to date, even those partially
translated but I have no resources now to translate more.

All five translated Quickstarts refer to dealing with osgeo-live itself.

>  On 28/02/11 07:11, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> In order to meet our printing deadlines for March 2011 conferences, we
>> need to have all our documentation completely finalised by 7 March (in one
>> week).
>> Here is the current status, sourced from the translation status
>> spreadsheet [1]:
>> Directory      en    de    el     es    it     ja    ro    pl
>> Overviews    47    39    47    13    0    14    0    12
>> Quickstarts   45    3     37    3      0    0    0    5
>> Standards     12    11   12    11    0    0    0    0
>> As it stands, we have reasonably complete translations for Greek, and only
>> a few overviews missing for German. Spanish, Japanese and Polish have a few
>> translated docs. Some Overviews have been updated to the latest doc version,
>> others have not.
>> So what should our policy be for:
>> 1. Languages that don't have a full set of translations of Overviews?
>> Should they be included, or should we wait until the following release and
>> wait for a more complete set of translations?
for pl: I think we should include it.
Whatever is submitted to svn is fully translated and reviewd, I check from
time to time for changes in en documents.
I can add all the remining overviews with automatically translated headers
and details, but  with original en descriptions (to attract more
translators). What do you think?

>> 2. Docs which don't have a translation yet? Should we just redirect links
>> to the English equivalent doc? (That will be easy to set up).

>> 3. Translated docs where there is a more recent English version available.
>> Usually the updated English is only minor since the last release, where
>> the version number has of the release has changed. (Identifying out of date
>> versions is more difficult and I don't think I'll be able to set it up in
>> time for this release).
for pl: I will have an eye on updates


Milena Nowotarska
http://quantum-gis.pl/     ||     http://grass-gis.pl/
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