[Live-demo] FOSS4G GeoMoose Install Script

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Jul 1 10:07:31 PDT 2011

    I (we) have an install script for GeoMoose.  See attached.  (Are we supposed to add to the list at : https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/ ourselves, or ), the script is not    complete (yet), but does get an instance of GeoMoose up and running.     Additions of the LiveDVD datasets into the interface still need to    be built, but this should be as easy as setting up some MAPfiles.     Also, was wondering if there was a ledger of what is available on    the DVD already.  WMS services can be consumed by GeoMoose directly,    is there a list of such services and/other possible services to    connect to some place?
    A longer term goal is to build a .deb installer, but upon inspection    of the details.  we've decided we need to reorganize some stuff    first to better facilitate the .DEB building process.  This also    relates back to the GeoMoose project in that we'll have a proper    Linux installer to offer afterwards which is somewhat lacking right    now.

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