[Live-demo] Proposal for Live-Demo Application Addons

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 23:56:10 PDT 2015

Hi Patrick,
Comments inline

On 25/09/2015 12:12 am, Patrick McGovern wrote:
> All,
> I have searched for a robust way to demo my Postgres 
> <https://sites.google.com/site/open4st/faq/what-is-the-open4st-database>, 
> R, and QC testing applications on a Linux platform.  I looked at 
> various LiveCD remastering processes to no avail.  Then I found OSGeo 
> and really like the open application friendly environment that allows 
> for easy database/application creation from the command line and a 
> superb USB flash drive setup!  I assembled these programs which can be 
> untared to an OSGeo liveCD and become fully operational by *running 
> one install script - It just works! *
> The OSGeo platform is an amazing development platform!
Thanks for the feedback. It is great to hear success stories such as 
these, and helps motivate us to keep going.
It would be great if you could add an entry in our History page here:
> I would like to propose that you recognize this and leverage this 
> capability as yet another OSGeo feature.  I realize that you have 
> Grass addons but these are different because they are independent of 
> the Live OSGeo DVD and may not contain GIS programs.  The user simply 
> installs the addon that meets their needs and can modify to their 
> hearts content.  A great way to learn and leverage open source 
> applications. However, recognizing these addons may require some 
> forethought for future releases to make sure they work with minimal 
> changes.
Interesting idea. Yes, you are right, OSGeo-Live does make it easy to 
add extra installers.
However, it does have some limitations. Namely, as set up it is targeted 
at a training/demonstration environment, and as such is not optimised 
for performance or security.

What might better suit what you are describing is getting OSGeo-Live 
functionality moved into UbuntuGIS (with applications packaged as .deb 
files). This is a slow but steady path we are moving toward.
> I hope to finish my beta release in a few weeks but wanted to run the 
> idea by this group first to get a feel for it.  I was thinking that I 
> could upload my tar file to github as a MIT open source project.  Then 
> users could start with this project and easily create their own and 
> add them to github. While I could do this without reaching out to your 
> community, I thought your ideas and contributions would be invaluable.

Thanks for reaching out, it is always good to discuss ideas, especially 
if you can find others who will collaborate with your vision. And if we 
can roll functionality back into the OSGeo-Live code base, then even better.
So yes, please do keep talking about what you are up to.

Warm regards, Cameron

> Thanks,
> Pat McGovern
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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