[Oskari-user] Oskari release 1.47.0

Sanna Jokela sanna at gispo.fi
Sun Jun 24 23:27:52 PDT 2018

Thank you Sami for the new release! I'll tweet about it soon :)

Is the release always available straight away also in
http://demo.oskari.org/ ?

If so, would it be possible there to have also some demo statistical data
(there is the municipalities data but it does not show any indicators) and
also time series data for people to test? Then these fixes could be more
easily checked.

And is it possible in demo.oskari.org to sign in? If so what is the
username & password? It would help a lot in testing the software and see
the potential. I noticed that in the demo-site in the User Guide there is
no text in "Registering, user information and password", is it just missing?

And great to see Oskari development going fast!


Sanna Jokela
Gispo Oy

On 21 June 2018 at 15:57, Mäkinen Sami (MML) <
sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Oskari version 1.47.0 is now available in GitHub, oskari.org download and
> the Maven repository. Here’s the list of changes:
> https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/blob/master/ReleaseNotes.md
> and https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/blob/master/
> ReleaseNotes.md
> Frontend
> For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/
> oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/9?closed=1
>    - Statistical maps now allow for filtering listings based on
>    regionsets and adding more than one indicator at a time
>    - Users can now use and save custom indicators for statistical maps
>    - Fixes for statistical maps UI in geoportal
>    - Layer filters in layer selector are now hidden when selecting the
>    filter would result in empty layer listing
>    - Geoportal map style is now properly reset after exiting publisher
>    functionality (previously always reset to default style)
>    - More plugins now support styling in publisher functionality
>    - Timeseries functionality can now be included in embedded maps (when
>    there's a layer providing timeseries data)
>    - Publisher can now be opened automatically on startup (Usability
>    improvement when having embedded maps in multiple projections)
>    - Checking "Don't show this again" in guided tour now works again
>    - Bugfixes on publisher, hierarchical layerselector and feature data
>    table
> Server
> For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/
> oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/8?closed=1
>    - Migration from OpenLayers 2 to OpenLayers 4 (see MigrationGuide.md)
>    - Improvements to userlayer/imported datasets handling
>    - Statistical maps PXWeb adapter improvements
>    - Statistical datasource/indicator listings now include regionset and
>    time-variable metadata where available
>    - Statistical maps error handling improvements
>    - Layer order modification in hierarchical layers have been fixed
>    - GetAppSetup can now include common urls as environmental metadata
>    (like login/register) configured in oskari-ext.properties
>    - Maplayer capabilities caching improvements
>    - Added Admin route for flushing caches (/action?action_route=Cache&name=[cache
>    name])
>    - Domain check for published maps is now case-insensitive
>    - Added server functionalities for handling user generated statistical
>    indicators
>    - Print functionality now handles layers that require credentials
>    properly
>    - Saving a view/state of the geoportal now uses the current view as
>    base instead of the system default (Fixes an issue with projection support
>    and saving views)
>    - Timeseries control can now be included in embedded maps
>    - Added a concept of "internal layers" that are part of
>    oskari_maplayer table, but are not intended for public view (like
>    baselayers for my places etc)
>    - Clean up deprecated code
> Happy midsummer,
>          Sami
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