[Oskari-user] Oskari 2.3.0 released!
Mäkinen Sami (MML)
sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri May 14 00:56:57 PDT 2021
Good news everyone,
We released Oskari 2.3.0 this week and it is now available on GitHub (https://github.com/oskariorg) and Oskari.org Maven repository. The sample application package has been updated on the download link in Oskari.org (https://oskari.org/download) and http://download.osgeo.org/oskari/. As always you can take a peek at the latest at https://demo.oskari.org/.
The major changes in this version are:
* Group hierarchy support for the React-based layer listing implementation
* Improvements on the scattered timeseries visualization UI
* Layer comparison tool aka layerswipe
* New hooks for extending Oskari with application specific code for RPC and GFI response formatting
* Bunch of improvements for layer administration UI
Release Notes
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/30?closed=1
Swipe tool
New tool for geoportals to allow users to compare two layers. The tool adds a vertical "splitter bar" in middle of the map where the layers are shown normally on the other side and the top layer is not shown on the other side. This allows the user to compare layers side by side and drag the viewport for easy comparison (especially for fully opaque layers).
Admin functionalities
* Layers are now updated properly on listing and map when admin modifies them (without page reload).
* The additional data tab now provides layer id with created/updated timestamps data.
* Fixes to capabilities handling and "update now" on layer capabilities data.
* Layer metadata UUID improvements: now shows both the original and possible override for it. Previously original wasn't saved so it couldn't be updated automatically from capabilities either.
* WMS layer legend improvements: legend can now be defined per style instead of one per layer and admin is shown the url from capabilities in addition to the one that has been overridden by the admin tools.
* Unique name is no longer required or asked by the admin UI for MVT layers.
* Credentials fields should no longer autocomplete saved passwords when registering layers.
* Improved error handling for unsupported layer types.
* Fixed an issue where the visual vector feature style editor resulted in different color for features compared to the one that was selected on the editor.
* Added maximumScreenSpaceError field for 3D-tiles layers.
Scattered timeseries user interface improvements
* Added a new mode called "single year" which enables the user to select one year at a time using the timeseries slider.
* The user can now switch between "single year" and "time range" modes when admin selects "range" type UI for end-users.
* Single year UI is the default for end-users.
* Timeseries map tiles are only loaded as singleTile for "player" UI (for buffering) making the scattered timeseries more slick to use with tiled maps (making them cacheable etc).
* Changed how WFS-based metadata is visualized. The features are no longer drawn on the screen if admin doesn't specifically enable them. When zoomed out of range for WFS-metadata the timeseries data "dots" on the UI control used from the WMS timeseries data which is not as accurate. The WFS features are no longer used as an index map.
* The selected time can now be saved as part of appsetup state and requested with a control parameter in URL i.e. a view can be now shared as a link with selected time or range of time.
* Other visual and usability fixes.
Hierarchy support for layer listing
The React-based layer listing UI have been improved to support group hierarchy as described here: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-docs/issues/234
This change makes the hierachical-layerlist bundle obsolete and enables us to move forward with removing the old/deprecated versions of layer listing and administration implementations from oskari-frontend. This will be removed in the next version and allows us to further optimize and enhance the layerlisting to make these functionalities better for everyone.
Note! Layers are now required to have "group" registered in the map layer service to be listed in a group. Previously groups were generated based on group names without the requirement for explicit groups to link to.
Application specific extension hooks added
RPC improvements
Application specific code can now register new functions for RPC that can be exposed as API for embedded maps. See an example here: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/pull/1485
Custom GFI response formatting
Added support for application specific formatters for GFI response: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/pull/1481
Runtime vector layer improvements
* Layer can now be registered for frontend service without adding it to the map.
* Adding features to a hidden layer leaves the layer hidden instead of making it partly visible.
Thematic maps
* Removing the statistical region set layer from map no longer removes selected indicators.
* The statistical region set layer is available in layer listing before any indicators are selected.
* If no indicators have been added and the user adds the region set layer to map the statistical data search window is opened automatically.
* Changed the way WFS-/vector feature layers handle feature property name localization. The data is now available in a more usable format for the frontend.
* Vectorlayertile now supports options.declutter flag that is passed to OpenLayers if configured.
* GFI requests can now have layer specific additional parameters. For example "time" parameter is now sent to GFI requests for timeseries layers.
* My places descriptions now allow more characters (for example &).
* Added a button for end-users to download my places features as GeoJSON.
* Layer names with special characters are now shown correctly.
* 3D tiles layers now support the same "Oskari style" definition structure as WFS layers. Previously the extra featureStyle key was not supported.
* Tooltip and Confirm components in 'oskari-ui' import should no longer give warnings when they have a styled-component as direct child.
* Trying to set application state with "null" or empty object will now be ignored and triggers a warning to dev-console to use resetState() instead.
* Oskari.app.playBundle() no longer causes another app.start event to be triggered.
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/29?closed=1
* Added support for GeoPackages for userlayer import (the UI doesn't say so but importing these should work).
* When layer is loaded for editing the capabilities are now refreshed before the data is written out for frontend.
* Metadata UUID is now included in the layer capabilities response
* Added support for a new control parameter "timeseries" to pass URL-parameter as part of frontend state.
* GetWFSLayerFields now returns "filter" and "geometryType" as part of it's response.
* Fixed an issue where bundle states were not written for appsetups on saved views listing when bundle config was missing. Fixes for example saved map rotation on views.
* GFI requests now include identifier headers declaring that an Oskari instance is requesting the data.
* Added a route that can be used to request a listing of users "my places" features as GeoJSON with a filename header.
* Added support for localized layer names for user generated data.
* Fixed an issue with global search result limit (defaulted to 100 because of timing issues instead of configured limit).
* Added support for updating capabilities for layers based on data provider or group (previously available options were only by layer or all layers).
* Improved user layer import parsing to allow folders inside zip for the imported files.
* GeoServer artifacts updated for GeoServer 2.19 (updated bundled GeoServer as well/requires manual updating to update, but older installs work as well so update isn't necessary).
* Fix for setup.war webapp (didn't work properly after some internal layers got removed).
* Compiling oskari-server with latest Java 11 update works again.
* Fixes for legend url proxying.
* Added support for AWS ElastiCache Redis setup: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/pull/716
* Updated dependencies:
* GeoTools 23.2 -> 24.2
* Spring 5.3.3 -> 5.3.5
* Spring-security 5.4.2 -> 5.4.6
* Session 2020.0.3 -> 2020.0.4
Note! The 2.3.0 downloadable zip-bundle includes updated GeoServer and Jetty. It's not required to update them but you will get new versions for new installs automatically.
Have a nice weekend and happy updating,
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