[Ottawa_users] Will you be making it out to tonight's meeting?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu May 10 14:10:53 EDT 2007

I called the Fox and Feather Pub and moved our reservation to the 24th.


Scott Mitchell wrote:
> OK, given the lack of response, I'll assume our meeting is postponed to 
> the 24th.  If further discussion evolves to change this, perhaps someone 
> can call me at 613-882-3843 to let me know to show up.
> I will edit the wiki page - again, if there will still be a meeting 
> tonight, perhaps someone can fix the page.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On 10-May-07, at 13:51 , Scott Mitchell wrote:
>> OK, the potential attendance is better than I feared.  There are at 
>> LEAST 4 of us available to hear about the project, plus Jeff until he 
>> has to leave.
>> The remaining issue is the effect of the playoff game on being able to 
>> have the presentation, though.  Jeff has warned us that because 
>> there's a game, we don't get any guarantee about exclusive use of the 
>> room - i.e. we may very well have to share it.  On the other hand, the 
>> 24th only has a potential game 7 scheduled between Detroit and Anaheim 
>> (the game 7 for Ottawa having been the previous night).
>> I can go either way, but suspect that the postponement option would be 
>> better.  We know Jeff's vote.  I just bumped into Amos and he can make 
>> it work either way.  Anybody else have a strongish opinion on the 
>> matter?  I can wait about 10 minutes to hear views before I have to 
>> leave for a meeting...
>> Scott
>> On 10-May-07, at 13:35 , Zak James wrote:
>>> I'm planning to be there.
>>> zak
>>> -- 
>>> Zak James
>>> Applications and Software Development
>>> DM Solutions Group Inc.
>>> http://www.dmsolutions.ca
>>> On 10 May 2007, at 12:48, Scott Mitchell wrote:
>>>> Recent declarations that people can't make it tonight, or that they 
>>>> can stay only a short time, have cast doubt on the feasibility of 
>>>> having the meeting.  Can anyone that has been planning to attend 
>>>> please speak up, so we can decide whether or not to postpone?
>>>> S
>>>> Scott Mitchell
>>>> smitch at mac.com

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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