[pdal] tindex creating empty geometry column. Index creation makes an index, but PDAL: readers.tindex: Unexpected argument 'merge'.
Howard Butler
howard at hobu.co
Mon Feb 27 22:11:38 PST 2017
> On Feb 27, 2017, at 10:31 PM, Adam Steer <Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au> wrote:
> Thanks Andrew, Howard.
> I can create geometries which can be loaded into QGIS - so clearly the lack of some binary blob symbol in sqlite’s 'select * from…’ is not a real issue.
> It appears the OGR drivers are working, and I’ve learned a lot in the past two days - nearly answering my own question about PostGIS. Short summary: OGR has a method for injecting data straight into a postgres store - but PDAL seems to want a filename to write to. I’ll revisit that later.
I think you mean the ExecuteSQL method of OGR datasource, and no we don't expose that to the readers.tindex at the moment.
> So why is merging inside a clipping polygon from a tindex failing then? Following this example: https://www.pdal.io/stages/readers.tindex.html
> I get:
> PDAL: readers.tindex: Unexpected argument 'merge’.
hmm, something must be broken here. I would expect this to work..
> ..with the pipeline below (mostly copy and paste from one which used to work).
> What's the current way of of passing a clipping polygon over a tile index? Happy to write into readers.tindex docs and make a pull request once working :)
> Thanks
> Adam
> --
> {
> "pipeline":[
> {
> "type": "readers.tindex",
> "sql": "SELECT * from pdal",
> "filename":"/data/act_8ppm.sqlite",
> "where":"location LIKE \"%ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD%\" ",
> "wkt":"POLYGON((149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376,149.08790588378906 -35.26485397359959,149.08721923828125 -35.27326314463213,149.08653259277344 -35.27942931528233,149.0899658203125 -35.284193761969895,149.09820556640625 -35.28363325338022,149.10472869873047 -35.28111091671122,149.10438537597656 -35.27046018460613,149.10850524902344 -35.26933897343947,149.1126251220703 -35.26289170810056,149.10747528076172 -35.25980805202397,149.09889221191406 -35.260368725492896,149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376))",
> "merge": "true"
> },
> {
> "type":"writers.las",
> "filename":"/data/outputfile.laz"
> }
> ]
> }
>> On 25 Feb 2017, at 6:32 am, Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 1:25 PM, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
>> Adam,
>> We're just using OGR to write the SQLite file, which I think defaults to using spatialite, but I'm not exactly sure.
>> You might try writing to a shapefile or something to see if it is merely the OGR driver falling over:
>>> $ pdal tindex act_8ppm_index4326.shp "LAS/AHD/*.las" -f "ESRI Shapefile" --lyr_name "pdal" --t_srs "EPSG:4326" —fast_boundary
>> Hope this helps,
>> Howard
>>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 7:17 PM, Adam Steer <Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au> wrote:
>>> I’m making tile indexes for a set of LAS tiles, and getting no geometry column:
>>> # pdal tindex act_8ppm_index4326.sqlite "LAS/AHD/*.las" -f "SQLite" --lyr_name "pdal" --t_srs "EPSG:4326" —fast_boundary
>>> # sqlite3 act_8ppm_index4326.sqlite
>>> sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(pdal);
>>> 0|OGC_FID|INTEGER|0||1
>>> 1|GEOMETRY|BLOB|0||0
>>> 2|location|VARCHAR(254)|0||0
>>> 3|srs|VARCHAR(254)|0||0
>>> 4|modified|TIMESTAMP|0||0
>>> 5|created|TIMESTAMP|0||0
>>> sqlite> select * from pdal;
>>> 34||/mnt/pointcloud/act_all/8ppm/LAS/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6886100_55_0002_0002.las|EPSG:4326|2016-11-25T01:08:31|2017-02-07T00:02:54
>>> 35||/mnt/pointcloud/act_all/8ppm/LAS/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6866076_55_0002_0002.las|EPSG:4326|2016-11-25T00:53:45|2017-02-07T00:02:54
>>> …
>>> …here, the second column GEOMETRY is empty - it should contain a blob of geometry data.
>>> Where have I gone astray?
>>> On this topic - do hooks exist in the tindex system to extract these data (tile boundaries) from a postGIS store?
>>> Thanks
>>> Adam
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>> You might also try running with the log level turned up:
>> pdal tindex --verbose=Debug ...
>> --
>> Andrew Bell
>> andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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